Kowabunga!!! I visited the SFFD Cliff Rescue team at Station 14. Their fire truck is equipped with an actual surfboard. I mean, how California is that?!?! So cool. Plus, their Ford F450
Kowabunga!!! I visited the SFFD Cliff Rescue team at Station 14. Their fire truck is equipped with an actual surfboard. I mean, how California is that?!?! So cool. Plus, their Ford F450,VWの消防車 - Nostalgic Patrol Cars Season 2,Working Vehicles of Japan 2: Fire Engine Vol.2: 1Box 10pcs | HLJ.com,VWの消防車 - Nostalgic Patrol Cars Season 2,全国に5台だけ! 東京消防庁 消防救助機動部隊 ハイパーレスキュー隊 大型ブロアー車 SW2 消防車 総務省消防庁 緊急消防援助隊 緊急車両 ALVARK KIDS DAY 特殊車両