Looking to trade some sealed product for singles. Pikachu Vmax box - 55 Pikachu eevee collection - 60 Mew vstar collection - 35 3 Japanese ex boxes - 30 Charizard theme deck & Ninetales theme deck - 25 Total - 205
Looking to trade some sealed product for singles. Pikachu Vmax box - 55 Pikachu eevee collection - 60 Mew vstar collection - 35 3 Japanese ex boxes - 30 Charizard theme deck & Ninetales theme deck - 25 Total - 205,Pokémon TCG Uncommon Trading Card Games in Japanese Individual XY for sale | eBay,Amazon.co.jp: 遊戯王カード 超未来融合-オーバーフューチャー・フュージョン(ウルトラレア) Vジャンプ特典(VJMP) 永続魔法 : おもちゃ,Pokémon TCG Uncommon Trading Card Games in Japanese Individual XY for sale | eBay,Pokémon TCG Uncommon Trading Card Games in Japanese Individual XY for sale | eBay