Elucidating Interplay of Chemical and Metal Interface Damping in Single Gold Nanorods Coated with an Ultrathin Palladium Shell | ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Elucidating Interplay of Chemical and Metal Interface Damping in Single Gold Nanorods Coated with an Ultrathin Palladium Shell | ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,Banner-News 8-19-21 by Community First Media - Issuu,中古】 ZX-(24)STEL-(1)(K) NTT αZX 24ボタンスター標準電話機 【ビジネスホン 業務用 電話機 本体】 : 2623030607 : 日商電販Yahoo!ショッピング店 - 通販 - Yahoo!ショッピング,Fabrication of Suspended PMMA-Graphene Membrane for High Sensitivity LC-MEMS Pressure Sensor,Banner-News 7-1-21 by Community First Media - Issuu